Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hey everyone my name is Laura and I have 3 wonderful babies. My oldest is Niah who is 7, then it's Robbie who is 5, and last but not least I have baby Noah  who was just born Dec. 1. I have been married to the most amazing man for 6 years and I couldn't be happier. Well the reason that I decided to start this blog is because I want to create a place where other moms can come and see that you are not alone in the everyday drama that involves having children, being married, and just running a house hold. Well now that you know a little about my life lets get into my drama!☺My daughter is a really big tomboy who loves to be just one of the guys, she can wrestle with the best of them, shes an awesome football player and can out run any boy her age (so she thinks) lol . I want her to go to catechism (because were catholic) but shes going crazy knowing that she has to wear a dress, I can't even count the times that she has cried about the fact that she might wear a dress. So my question to everyone is how can I get my beautiful little girl to wear a dress???? 

Robbie my Robbie he is the sweetest boy you will ever meet!!! He likes to help, hes caring, he has such a beautiful soul ,but man oh man does he like to push our buttons as I'm typing were having a battle over homework :-p how can I get him to stop with the tantrums???!!! Well if I could answer that question I think I would be a millionaire right lol. I think that some people can handle the tantrums a lot better than others ( like my hubby and me) lol!

And now to my little blessing Noah, what can I say about him besides that hes the cutest kid that ever lived lol, what mother doesn't think that about their baby? lol! Well everyone I have to get started on helping my little man with his homework I'll be back soon!!!!

thanks for reading,
 with all my best wishes a happy mom of 3!!!!!!